September Newsletter Part 2: Multi-Animator Project, Draw with InkBlot, and More.
Read about InkBlot's MAP project, our meet and greet event, and other community fun in the second part of this month's newsletter.
*record scratch* Wait a minute. Another newsletter!?
Moving forward, we’ll be pushing out two newsletters per month! This will help keep monthly newsletters smaller and digestible. (Also because I’m a chatter box and Jay noticed I hit the cap for our newsletter last month. Oops!)
Anyways, we hope this helps all of you keep up with what’s going on a bit better while also allowing us to fill you in about everything that’s happening! Because, to be completely honest, there’s always a lot going on over here.
Let’s take a look at what’s in store now, shall we?
National Hispanic Heritage Month
Join InkBlot as we support our Hispanic community members by providing a space for them to shine! Let’s take the time to listen, learn, and appreciate from those who are celebrating. We’ll be running a spotlight on our socials soon, so stay tuned!
Interest Check: InkBlot’s Multi-Animator Project
We’re organizing a fun multi-animator project starring InkBlot’s mascots Bo and Tai! Open applications won’t be available until around October 16th but if you’re interested in what the project entails, you can fill out our interest form to get an email for exclusive access to our Early Bird applications!
Curious about what’s in the project? We provided general info and a sneak peek in the interest form - go check it out! MAP Interest Form Here
Here’s one of the scene examples from our storyboard (full storyboard will be available once applications are live).
Bi-weekly Drawing Event: InkBlot Meet and Greet
The Inkster staff has been discussing for a while now about how to engage with the community more, so we decided that we’ll be hosting a draw pile every two weeks! During this time, you can chit chat with the actual staff and volunteers, ask us questions, meet other folks in the community, make new friends or just vibe!
“What’s a draw pile?“
I get this question asked a lot! A draw pile is a collaborative live drawing on a shared canvas. While there is an actual Drawpile app, we’ll be using Aggie will allow us to not only stick to our own dedicated layer on the canvas, but there can be multiple canvases going at once (great for accommodating several drawers or big drawers).
While we draw, the Inksters will be on Discord in the voice channels! So if you want to chat with us or follow along in conversation, you’ll have to join our official server: Official InkBlot Server Invite. And incase you’re worried about voice chatting, don’t worry, you don’t have to use mic. We’ll be reading the text chat as well!
First Draw Pile is on September 25th
Time to be announced in the discord.
Positions are Still Available! Come Join Our Team.
The Inksters (InkBlot staff and volunteers) are looking for some new passionate folks to join the team! Come help us out as we pave the way to our creative and inclusive home in this corner of the web.
Current Open [Paid] Position:
Tech Support Agent (1)
2 hours/week
U.S. Resident (sorry!)
No experience required - we’ll train you!
Current Volunteer Positions:
Community Events Team
Organizing events, managing and engaging with the community.
4 hours/month
Creative oriented tasks
Ideating fun and engaging activities/events
Directly supporting/up lifting members of the community
Opportunity for Discord moderating ( and yes, if you only want to moderate or only want to organize events, that’s 100% okay!)
Safety & Trust Team
Platform moderators and guideline enforcers. Help fend off against AI generated art.
4 hours/month
Site/Platform moderation
Ensuring the safety of the community
Art/Post reviewing
Behind the scenes + guideline work
Keep track of all available positions here:
That’s it for now y’all! Be sure to read our next newsletter and stay tuned for our spooky time events.
As always, we’re forever thankful to our supporters and to everyone on the platform. A big thank you from the InkBlot team!
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